Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dream A Little

I wonder what it would be like if all the young adults suffering from some aspect of the Autism Syndrome would connect with each other. Maybe create a community where they could be together......with independent jobs, maybe, and a room of their own, but a community space, too, where they could play video games and listen to music and watch favorite t.v. shows. Maybe a counselor on hand who could gently guide them if life got complicated and if they needed some help to cope. Dream with me.......there are millions of you out there. Feeling frustrated and alone, helpless to make life the way you want it because there is nothing out there for you. Wanting to leave home and break away from your parents but not really feeling able to do that - financially, emotionally. LET'S UNITE!!!! LET'S CONNECT! LET'S TALK!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


1) Funny, nice, charming, musician, sensitive

2) I imagine five years from now that I will have a wife or a girlfriend and a likeable job

3) The battle of the ages, It will be a close fight with blood and some deep wounds. The setting will be a pirate ship because the ninja lost the rock paper scissors. It was done quickly and it was not a friendly game. I say the Ninja wins because the pirate wouldn’t know what a Chinese star is. He’ll be like “what is these, arrrr you kidding me?” The pirate loses and sinks down in the ocean.

4) I have to say my favorite show is Smallville because of the action and the deep drama. I’m also a Superman fan, I have the recent movie.

5) This was pretty tough but I came up with an answer. My favorite song is “Give In To me” by Michael Jackson off of “Dangerous”

6) I want them to understand about me and people like me are that we need friendships and relationships just like anyone else. We just have trouble getting it for ourselves but we’re just like everyone.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Questions for Nate

1) What are five words you would use to describe yourself?

2) What do you imagine your life being like in five years?

3) If a ninja and a pirate got into a fight, who would win?

4) What's your favorite tv show and why?

5) What's your favorite song and why?

6) What's the first thing you would want people to understand or know about HFA?