Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What is high functioning autism?

I googled "high functioning autism" and looked at the first 20 or so web pages and articles. They were TERRIBLE. They leave no clear sense of what it is, what it means, what it looks like, and do not acknowledge the fact that the individual falling under the high functioning autism/PDD-NOS spectrum is a human being. If I had an autism diagnosis and I googled it to find out more, I can't imagine how I would feel right now after reading those pages.

Nate is very sensitive, sweet, funny and earnest. He is passionate about his interests: playing guitar, writing songs, playing video games, and watching TV shows. He has his driver's license. He talks and laughs and connects with others by playing games. He has worked a variety of jobs in the last four years and none have lasted in this fast-paced, convoluted, impatient world.

He is too "high functioning" for disability checks or other means of support. The bare minimum case management he receives at a local agency continues to peter out, one after another. He falls through the cracks. He lives with his parents. He dreams of having his own apartment. We imagine the ideal would be an apartment with a kind, trustworthy roommate who looks out for him when he needs it. We imagine the ideal would be other young adults with similar interests and needs calling him up to see a movie or come over to play games.

We've imagined it a long time. The years go by.

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